5 Reasons Why Smart People Stay In so much Toxic Relationships..
5 Reasons Why Smart People Stay In so much Toxic Relationships.. Why a smart person stays in an abusive relationship is a mystery for many, including you, the victim. You are labeled and blamed as needy, co-dependent, or an enabler. When two people are under the influence of love, they are tethered together, interconnected, and interdependent. Everything each does serves the relationship. The two become one — a team, depending and relying on each other. You have each other’s back. Your joy is magnified. With abuse, however, that tethered relationship becomes self-serving and therefore, loses its integrity. 1. They use destructive conditioning. A narcissist conditions you to become afraid of doing the very things that once made your life fulfilling as they now bring you frustration or anxiety. In time, you learn to associate your strengths, talents, and happy memories with abuse and disrespect. Ineffective in being able to influence your partner ma...