How can you now Your Coworker Is a Psychopath
How can you now Your Coworker Is a Psychopath.. Serial killers are often depicted in film and television as deranged psychopaths. This contributes to the general confusion that exists between psychopaths and serial killers. The truth is psychopaths, sociopaths, and antisocial personalities, compared to serial killers, are relatively common. Serial killers are extremely rare because they usually exhibit a potent combination of multiple mental illness diagnostic categories including antisocial personality, narcissism, and different forms of paraphilia (voyeurism, frotteurism, exhibitionism, sadism, masochism, etc.). Statistically speaking, a psychopath is almost always never a serial killer; patterned homicide is just that rare. How many psychopaths are reading this article along with you? Hard to tell. But if thousands of people read this, research suggests there are bound to be some. About 15 percent of male prisoners meet psychopathic diagnostic criteria. This sta...